Speculatively, humming might be effective against infections via increasing nitric oxide concentrations in the nose: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/NBZvpcBx4ewqkdCdT/do-you-believe-in-hundred-dollar-bills-lying-on-the-ground-1
In a year, will I believe humming is effective against respiratory infections?
I won’t trade on this market. I have no medical background and will likely defer to a whatever consensus will exist at the time.
update from the post author: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dsZeogoPQbF8jSHMB/humming-is-not-a-free-usd100-bill
@capybara If I’m unsure, will resolve to % or n/a or No depending on how worthwhile it seems to investigate in a year (also I think people want to try studying it at a conference or something, asking some people to hum and seeing whether they report less infections afterwards?)
@ms I take it then that to be resolved either way, a study of some sort needs to have been done.