Will the Collatz Conjecture be proved true by December 2024?
Dec 1
There will be a third, and final, proof
Yes, but there will be a disagreement among mathematicians as to whether the proof is correct or not.
Yes, and the Japanese $1M prize will be won.
Yes, and the Japanese $1M prize will not be won.

A proof has been suggested on Quora for "the nth terms of convergence of the Collatz map". (I am restarting this market as multiple choice, now Manifold has that option.)

There are two parts to the proof:

A general statement of the theorem, https://qr.ae/pyD8Nk, and an inductive proof of that theorem, https://qr.ae/pKRv1A

The ambiguity is whether or not proving convergence of the nth terms is the same as proving all sequence Ns converge on 1.

A third, generalized, proof may be published on Quora. 

If you want to learn about the conjecture and its place in contemporary mathematics, watch the Veritasium video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/094y1Z2wpJg

About the prize: https://mathprize.net/posts/collatz-conjecture/

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If the proof had any hope of being real, it wouldn't be suggested on Quora.

@TimothyJohnson5c16 the proof is obviously wrong but we're betting on the market creator's resolution 😅

Lol, have fun! I'm not touching this one.

WTF is this market? Caveat emptor indeed.

Wait a second. The author of the claimed proof made a market and is betting on "Yes, but there will be a disagreement" and didn't exactly specify resolution criteria? I'm a moron for even touching this market.

sold Ṁ19 of Yes NO

@MichaelMRoss yep, some detailed criteria would be nice, especially for the "yes, but no prize" and "yes but controversy" options.

@EvanDaniel These things never go exactly according to plan. Look up the history of Andrew Wiles proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. As for the prize, look at the fine-print in order to win.
If I was clairvoyant, I wouldn't be asking the question!

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