Will there be a manalink in the comments with at least one unclaimed M$20 charge at the closing of this market?
resolved May 24

The comment with the manalink has to be at least 15 minutes old when the market closes for it to count.

The exact hour of closing on wednesday might change since I need to be free when it happens. If I change the closing time, I'll leave at least 4 hours between the time of change and the new closing time.

Experimental. Feel free to ask for clarifications.

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bought αΉ€1,000 of NO

The comment with the 20 mana manalink was posted at 08:44:04 PM UTC and this market closed at 08:59:00 PM UTC. The comment was not 15 minutes old at time of close. https://manifold.markets/memestiny/will-there-be-a-manalink-in-the-com#Srne90nAD0rcyc5rvqyZ

predicted NO

All links posted before 8:44:00 PM UTC had only 1 mana and not 20.

predicted NO

Therefore, this market resolves NO.

predicted NO
predicted YES

@TobyBW This is true. Does anyone have any arguments against this?

bought αΉ€10 of YES

@TobyBW I hate to agree with that, but it seems reasonable as I was just double checking that.

predicted YES

@memestiny I will solve this market as "NO" in 15 minutes if there are no arguments against this.

predicted YES

@memestiny TIL you can see the exact comment date on Manifold

sold αΉ€31 of NO

@ShadowyZephyr but should it resolve n/a for breaking rules of a market that creates spam?

predicted YES

@ChristopherRandles Someone pull up the rules on spam. I think this blurs the line, because it doesn't encourage needless comments explicitly, but at the same time because of memestiny's commenting it does, let me view the rules

predicted NO

Also I don’t really mind being spammed free mana

predicted YES

@TobyBW Types of content subject to N/A or deletion just says "Spam." that's fairly vague

Oh also: "Markets encouraging or incentivizing users to trade, comment, like, or post content indiscriminately"

could count because manalinks?? but idk it doesn't seem that bad??

predicted YES

I guess I can wait for admins to decide whether cheap manalinks are considered indiscriminate commenting / spam.

predicted YES
predicted YES


@memestiny Seems like it could count as spam, but if it's manalinks posted just in this market, and there's not thousands of comments that are slowing down the site, then it should be fine.

predicted YES

@JamesGrugett Well that's vague wording. that's like Half N/A Half NO, XD

Argument for N/A would be that even though there weren't thousands of comments, there probably would have been if the market got more traction

predicted NO

@ShadowyZephyr I think the takeaway is β€œno real harm, so the spamming is fine and the market is ok”

I'm not going to issue a general ruling about spam/commenting at this moment, but I want to make a few points about things that have annoyed me recently:

  • Please don't indiscriminately ping admins, either through Manifold or on Discord

  • Generally, @DavidChee, our community manager, should be your first line of contact for community moderation questions

  • Appealing to admins to try and get a market resolved in your favor is bad form. I'm not sure if that's what's happening here, but if so... don't do that.

We want Manifold to be a fun place including space for experimental/weird markets, but also we (as admins) don't want to be dragged into moderation decisions all the time. More time resolving random disputes is less time for us to actually work on making the Manifold platform better.

predicted YES

Ok. Although we are biased by our bets in what we want, we never asked for you to give a specific resolution. And I didn't know about what goes to who or the fact that you guys don't want to be pinged, so I'm sorry about that

predicted YES

Ok, nothing seems to have been against the rules, so I'm resolving the market according to its original description.

predicted YES

@memestiny (And apologies for the pinging)

@memestiny np just ping ME only (but try to avoid creating fun markets that you could forsee requiring input from admins in general).