Will Adam see with his transplanted eye before August?
Aug 1

A team of surgeons in New York has performed the world's first transplant of an entire eye in a procedure widely hailed as a medical breakthrough, although it isn't yet known whether the man will ever see through the donated eye. (source)

Resolves YES if Aaron James, from the above article, is able to see with the transplanted eye before August.

Resolves NO by August.

I'm not quite sure about edge cases yet. By "seeing" I think of something somewhat useful to Aaron. Merely recognizing light and dark is not seeing. Counting fingers of the doc is seeing.

I assume there will be sufficient news coverage of such a medical breakthrough that credibility will not be an issue.

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Given the time that has passed since the surgery, Washington said she did not think it likely that James's eye would regain vision, but "I never say something is impossible," she added.

So the doctor is not that confident.

It has worked for mice though: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/vision-revision