Consider the original Monty Hall problem and a modified version with 1000 doors. Which one of the following applies?
Never closes
The correct solution (change the door) is intuitively obvious to me in both cases
The correct solution (change the door) is intuitively obvious to me in the 1000 door version but not in the three door version
The correct solution (change the door) is not intuitively clear to me in either version
The correct solution (change the door) is intuitively clear to me in the three door version but not in the 1000 door version

The three door version is defined following the Wikipedia article:

The 1000 door variant differs in that there are 1000 doors, 999 with a goat and one with a car. After you pick a door, the presenter opens 998 doors revealing 998 goats, leaving you with two closed doors: the one you picked initially, and another one.

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The addition of extra doors helps clarify that you 'open all doors but 2', rather than 'just open 1 door'.
In the 3 door case, these two actions are the same, but the 1000 door case makes them very different.

By opening so many doors, it makes it a bit more obvious how the host's knowledge (Monty's knowledge) factors into the circumstances of the bet, and that he's helping narrow things down for you.

@MatthewLeong Yes exactly