Will I reach a 100 day streak?
resolved Nov 15

This market resolves Yes, if I have reached a 100-day streak and post proof of it in the comments. Using streak repairs is allowed.

Currently, I am on a 40-day streak.

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predicted NO

I had a 97-day streak, but accidentally lost it yesterday. Because the market closes at EOY 2023, I'll resolve it as No now.

bought Ṁ65 of YES

half way through!

predicted YES

@Logaems 31 days left!

bought Ṁ100 of NO

is your current streak still active?

bought Ṁ187 of NO

@cloe Looking at their history, there's a 7 day betting hole, so I'd say no.

predicted YES

@cloe My streak did break.

predicted NO

@Logaems so just for confirmation, this market's about a 100 day streak by 2024?

predicted YES

@cloe That is correct

predicted NO

@Logaems I'm surprised people aren't reacting to this, there's only 147 days left.

predicted YES

Just realized that I'll be at a place without an internet connection for a week.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@Logaems you can schedule bets using API key.

predicted YES

@Logaems Note: I will still have mobile data and try to keep the streak.

predicted YES

@Logaems That’s how I kept mine. Just hit 101 today!

bought Ṁ30 of NO

You probably will but 99% is way too high

predicted YES

@JohnSmithb9be I agree, my bet was more of a self-motivational one instead of a real prediction.