Will Anthropic's Claude 3 Opus be publicly available in the EU by May 2024?
resolved Mar 7

You can see the current list of countries where Claude is available here: https://www.anthropic.com/claude-ai-locations.

If Claude 3 Opus is not publicly available in any member states of the EU by 2024-05-01 00:01 AM UTC+00, this market will resolve NO.

If (and when) I confirm it to be publicly available in ANY of the 27 member states of the European Union, this market resolves YES (even if they haven't updated that list yet).

Any version of Claude 3 Opus counts for the purposes of this question. (API, web interface, any future version called "Claude 3 Opus") If even one of those is available (publicly, by the above date, in the correct country), this resolves YES.

If it becomes publicly available, but then becomes blocked again afterwards, such that it's still blocked on May 1st, the market will still stay YES.

Requiring a paid user subscription does not disqualify its status as "publicly available".

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I am so tired of paternalistic lawyers. First was the DGPR, that is just annoying and only introduces one layer of small print everybody doesn't read, or just plainly install (sometimes dubious) extensions to skip, now is them preventing EU Citizens from the cutting-edge AI tools. Thank God we are allowed GPT4, and lets see if it lasts. Not being able to subscribe to Claude 3 or to use/subscribe Gemini 1.5 is a disservice some people are doing to the rest of us. If it is such a big deal, use digital authentication tools to check people are over 18 once, and then let them be free online. Or offer your "protection" for those that seek it (I hate online gambling, and even the addictive nature of many "social networks", it can make sense for the EU to have entities that protect people that want to be protected from those exploits). But making it hard to use Claude 3 or Gemini 1.5? Thanks, but no thanks.

The API works fine for me? I'm in Sweden, not using any VPN, got a $5 free credit.


I can confirm that the Claude.ai UI doesn't let me login, but the API is explicitly enough for positive resolution.

@ErikBjareholt I'm looking into it, but if the event already happened before the creation of the market, then I will resolve it N/A in line of what I've seen other creators do in these cases.

Did you create your API key in Sweden? If not, would you say that the API of Claude 3 Opus is publicly available in Sweden?

@koadma Yes and yes

@ErikBjareholt I've tried making an account on console.anthropic.com instead of the other site with an email and it did let me. However, during account creation, to proceed I had to accept the condition that I won't use the services in the unlisted regions. Given that I have permission to use it only outside the listed regions (even if they might not check it), I don't think that this counts as publicly available there. Are you sure you did not accept terms disallowing you using it there?

sold Ṁ339 YES

@koadma I did not notice such terms, quite possible I've missed them.

@ErikBjareholt Sorry, my mistake! The country list for API access is different from the country list given in the description (I'm on mobile and didn't click through before) which means that you are right, the API version is available and was available before question creation which means that this resolves N/A and I lose some mana :( Thanks for your help!

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