Will I run 10 miles in a single activity sometime before April?
resolved Mar 22

I must record the entire activity on my fitness device. I can take walking breaks, but the distance covered while running must be greater than 10 miles. I'm defining "running" as greater than 135 steps per minute.

I'm in my late twenties, 150 lbs. My partner and I are trying to do this together. We ran+walked 7 miles in the fall for a formal race. Running in the cold and dark is new for us, so we may have trouble with self-motivation. I'm not currently signed up for any formal footraces to fulfill this goal.

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@kenakofer it is finished! 10.07 miles of running, plus maybe 3 or 4 miles of walking breaks which weren't recorded. I was unprepared and it was unreasonably difficult, and took 3 hours, but it was a beautiful evening and I spent it in good company.

predicted YES

Howโ€™s progress coming? Been on any runs recently?

predicted YES

@JimHays Partner and I doing about 3 runs per week. Most are around 2 miles in length, but did a 5 mile one last week. Perhaps 1/3 of the distance is walking. I remain determined.

@kenakofer This weekend or next seem like the ideal time!