@PeterWildeford by July 16th 2024 (negligible M$ liquidity subsidy!!)
Jul 15

Will Peter de-Ford? Resolves yes if it comes to light that Peter Wildeford has exited a Ford vehicle after market creation, before market close.

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@jskf looks like this can resolve. i haven't seen any evidence. does anyone have some?

Even if he replies, wouldn't that be coming to light after market close?

I intended

Will Peter de-Ford? Resolves yes if it comes to light that [Peter Wildeford has exited a Ford vehicle after market creation, before market close].

I don't think we should let the fact that I forgot about this market distract from the very important underlying question.

he replied (to the reply), looks like no evidence has been found?

(I have been reminded that title changes send a notification to everyone subscribed to the market, so I'll stop doing that now.)

e: changed one more time to avoid the title being incorrect