Will Manifold support direct messaging between users by end-of-year 2023
resolved Oct 15

Many interesting discussions happen in the comment sections of Manifold markets, but occasionally these discussions will get away from the exact subject matter of the market, such that a separate one-on-one discussion would be more appropriate.

If both users in question are on Twitter or Discord, the discussion can move there, but if not, then conversing in the comments is the only option.

To alleviate this, will Manifold add support for direct messaging between users by the end of 2023? This will resolve to Yes if a feature is added such that another user's handle can be selected, and a private message (i.e. one not viewable by the rest of the community) can be sent to them. If this feature comes with certain settings allowing users to block other users from messaging them, or restrict who is allowed to message them, it still resolves to Yes.

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bought αΉ€5,000 of YES

@ian πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

predicted YES

@jonsimon πŸ”œ

If they add a DM feature, there is no chance SBF will get Manifold added to his approved website list by the judge.

@BTE respond to me on twitter rn

sold αΉ€9 of NO

How does this resolve if there's a mastodon integration?

predicted NO

@MartinRandall Not sure, what would such an integration look like?

bought αΉ€10 of NO

I actually think it's a nice feature that all communication on MM is public!

predicted NO

E.g., there are some medium-strong incentives for (most) apologies and clarifications to be public, and to (mosty) not share resolution-relevant information privately before doing so publicly. PMs would make both more convenient, and weaken these incentives.

bought αΉ€4 of NO

reimplementing private messaging doesn't seem like a good use of time for a prediction market

@jacksonpolack No, but it does for a social media platform, which Manifold is also trying to be.