tell me your favourite animal for 5 manas
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I want manas!




Note: I did not see the "I love you too, daddy." part of this gif when I selected it.


Squirrels are cute.


cats are pretty neat


Umm was there a question here?


Mine would be the Peter's elephant nose fish.

>Its most striking feature, as its names suggest, is a trunk-like protrusion on the head. This is not actually a nose, but a sensitive extension of the mouth, that it uses for self-defense, communication, navigation, and finding worms and insects to eat. This organ, called the Schnauzenorgan,[3] is covered in electroreceptors, as is much of the rest of its body. The elephantnose uses a weak electric field, which it generates with specialized cells called electrocytes,[...]

It's a really fun looking fish and also a pretty smart one.


I love foxes they are so cute and vicious


Red pandas, they're so cute!


Dragons. But for a real animal, I really like bush vipers


Capybara :)


fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra)


A squid!


Goat with an attitude


My cat is my favourite animal.

If we could clone the Eohippus, I would eat it after Peter Singer fucked it.

Hmm, at the moment I could go for a rare ahi tuna steak, but I'll eat pretty much anything.