Have you ever coded (written code in a programming language)?
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Yes, <5k lines of code total
Yes, <50k lines of code total
Yes, >=50k lines of code total

total over your lifetime

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I've put together stuff I've needed out of copypasted scraps but I couldn't code hello world from scratch.

Fun fact: I started my current job right as my team's project got cancelled. I was assigned to delete all the code in that project. As a result, for the first year or so, my net lines of code was negative.

I'd estimate around 2,500 in R and 5,000 in Python.

I would estimate >= 1 million. Average project size is 10-20k lines, I'm got about 50 of those lying around, and then another 400k from programming jobs.

For a job, 1000 lines in a day is the max and rare, usually when starting a brand new project where I can keep the whole thing in memory. 200 on an established codebase is probably the average. As low as 25-50/day if it's a brand new job or if I'm mostly debugging something that day.

One of Perl, Haskell, or C/C++ is likely the top language. Then Racket, Rust, Python in that order with >=50k each. Then dozens of <50k languages used only for scripting, classes, or small projects(SQL, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Verilog, assembly, Julia, Mathematica, Ruby).

Fun fact: My largest SQL query was 17,500 lines of code(generated by a script, in a single giant query), and exposed 12 different implementation simultaneous bugs in Amazon Redshift where its behavior differed from Postgres. (for the other numbers, I don't count generated code directly, unless it's part of a scaffold and expected to be built on.)