Will the Russian Ruble (RUB) fall below $0.0090 in 2023??
resolved Jan 1

This market will resolve to “Yes” if the dollar price / exchange rate of one Russian Ruble (RUB) falls below $0.00900 at any time between August 13, 2022, and the resolution time of December 31, 2022, 23:59, and “No” otherwise. The official resolution source will be


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We can easily calculate probability of Russian Rubble hitting 111,1 exchange rate. (111,1 equals 0,009 depends which one you look at first). According to historical data, average of exchange rate is 75.8 with standart deviation of 13.2, this means that probability of Rubble going that down is 0.4%. If you will take only 2023 where average will be 83.9 and standart deviation of 9.6 probability goes down at 0.2%. On top of that if you take data from last month and prior where average will be 97.5 and standart deviation 1.6, probability goes down to 0% . On top of that we should take into account that there won't be any major sanctions and Israel Palestine war will just increase price of oil. According to this data probability of russian rubble hitting 111.1 is close to 0%.

Exchange rate data is taken from this source: https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/fx/USDRUB/historical-prices

bought Ṁ202 of YES

M1000 @ 45%

bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

Title says $0.009, but description says $0.001

@rpominov fixed, thank you!

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@itsTomekK description says 2022 twice 😉