Apr 8, 7:43pm: Will roko's basilisk end up happening? → Will roko's basilisk end up happening by 2050?
@JiSK The basilisk could torture me by mis-resolving this market. If I was coherent enough to acausally threaten.
This should be so much lower than it is - remember it's not a market one whether the logic behind the roko's basilisk though experiment makes sense (although it very probably doesn't), it's whether the basilisk actually comes into being. This won't happen for the same reason alignment is a serious problem: humans (collectively) are just not sufficiently rational/long-term/co-ordinated in their planning to pull off something like that to improve their distant future. So in 20 years if you get melted down into paperclips because some ML designer forgot to carry the 2 on an alignment function, you can at least comfort yourself that you possibly escaped eternal suffering by the same lack of rational planning that lead to that moment :/
@AlexKChen How so (other than Roko's Basilisk actually happening)? Do you have a plan for resolving this NO under any circumstance? Since there is no time frame, it seems like you could always say that Roko's Basilisk might just happen further in the future.