[TUTBAD] Will one of the entad lutes be really useful?
resolved Aug 31

As of Chapter 131 of This Used to be About Dungeons, the Settlers have about 100 unidentified entad lutes they found in a megadungeon. This resolves "yes" if at least one of these lutes:

  • Has an ability that significantly changes transportation logistics of the party, such that they're able to do distant dungeons that wouldn't otherwise be practical/cheap or something similar.

  • Significantly changes combat, such as by making the Overguard Maneuver the default, making someone other than Alfric a front-line fighter, allows them to avoid combat almost entirely, significantly improves overall party defense, etc

  • Changes or affects dungeons themselves somehow, such as making them bigger, smaller, more full of entads, less full of monsters, or stable across reset days

  • Interacts significantly with any of the parties special abilities in a significant way, such as protecting Isra from dungeon madness, making Hannah's healing more effective, making Verity able to do more progressive enhancements, affecting resets somehow, or improving Mizuki's control of magic.

  • Somehow provides a lead on the missing people, such as through divination effects, or something more indirect.

  • Will sell for 1 million rings or more, according to Alfric

  • Has other similar levels of capabilities, discuss in comments

The dagger of teleportation is near the low-end of a "yes" resolution for transportation in particular. Isra's time-stopping bow is probably not quite impactful enough to qualify on it's own. Feel free to ask for more specific examples. This is subjective, and will probably take a day to resolve to allow discussion. The general criteria is something like "are any of these significantly better than most of the other currently used entads".

Close date updated to 2022-08-30 12:09 pm

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predicted YES

So, I think this should resolve "yes", given the commute lutes and the lutopias. I forgot about extradimensional spaces, but they see pretty useful to me.

predicted YES

@horse given that one is a nicer version of the chest and another is a whole house, I am inclined to agree. One also seems like it jumps you to the nearest warp point, which I assume makes getting home to Picklechurch / to healers almost instant
(PS I did bet, but before I realized the new chapter had been released)

predicted YES

Whoops, I meant to set this to close yesterday. Closing now.

My bet is actually that the number of lutes will be seen as external proof of Verity's influence over the dungeons and that the final plot point that wraps up the entire series will hinge on that revelation and public recognition.

predicted YES

@IdaMayer haha it almost happened with The Big Party Breakup Drama but suddenly PLOT!

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I feel like it'd be pretty big red herring if none of the lutes were actually used again in the rest of the story, especially if none of them worked well with Verity specifically.

I also love the idea of every member of the party stringing up a different lute, and walking into a dungeon as a band of 5 bards

predicted YES

@Austin Since most of the monsters they fought were weaker than average, I wouldn’t be too surprised if the lutes were entirely weaker than average as well… but I would be a little surprised.

bought Ṁ25 of YES

I'll resolve the question when they finish identifying lutes, I won't open the question back up if they start but don't finish during Monday's chapter.