unless the question states otherwise, you can add "in goblinodds' opinion" to the end of each subjective question (but feel free to try to persuade me)
i won't bet on this market bc of the subjective nature of so many of these questions, but i'll be really sad about it
the first few episodes have dropped! i'm catching up as fast as i can in case there's anything to resolve already
> there will be at least 1 love triangle
Matthew/Clay/AD/Amber AND Trevor/Jessica/Jimmy/Chelsea
(imo: one person dating 2 people in the pods fairly seriously isn't a love triangle unless it causes some kind of clear drama, but the stuff involving these groups definitely qualifies)
> at least one woman in the pods will talk about her love interest in front of another woman who's into the same guy but won't say anything to her rival
E1 (absolutely confirmed in E2): Amber talks about Matthew in front of AD
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Season 7 drops next week! I made a new set of prop bets markets, feel free to add options
@Ziddletwix yeah this was much less obvious than in previous seasons but it seems like there was something going on there. i thought she was into him but not vice versa, wasn't clear to me that it was a matter of physical attraction, but a bunch of people i talked to said they were sure she wasn't attracted to him!
@benmanns yeah that's a good question. i think given the wording, if it's one-sided, the person being flirted with has to be engaged. still not sure whether to count Sarah Ann's instagram message to Jeramey, especially since iirc we dont see the actual content. i'm hoping we'll see something more concrete soon
@goblinodds FWIW, if it comes down to it, in episode 8 I think we do sorta see Laura's photo of the DM on Jeramey's phone. Or I took a screenshot of the video of Laura's photo of the DM on Jeramey's phone, but it's kinda blurry 😅.

@benmanns I think Laura reads the DM on screen? “If there’s ever a chance, your mind is shifting in your choice, I would love the opportunity to meet you”. I feel like that counts as flirting
@CGd3da hahaha so glad i'm not the only person who cares about this. you can add your own options if you want, too (but it does cost mana, RIP)