Undisrupted Dominance for 48 hours Market
resolved May 4

The Yes team achieves dominance by keeping the price at 50% or higher.

The No team achieves dominance by keeping the price lower than 50%.

The first team that acheived undistupted dominance for 48 hours wins. If neither team managed to acheive undistupted dominance upon market closing, the team with the longest undisrupted dominance wins.

Market resolves to Yes if the Yes team wins. Market resolves to No if the No team wins.

In case this market blows up, I may or may not accept a bribe of 50000 Mana to resolve this market to N/A.

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well that was anti-climactic

predicted NO

Announcement: With the support of Ben ten and Jonathan Ray, I am going to N/A this market

predicted YES

Current records (all in eastern time)
YES: April 30 4:27PM - May 2 4:08PM 47.3 hours
NO: April 30 2:05AM - 2:57PM 12.9 hours
Let me know if there is a correction or update.

predicted YES

@TobyBusickWarner Using UTC would help a little ;)

predicted YES

@fire_fighter I vaguely remember seeing a clause that you will donate all the bribe mana to charity of the briber's choice, did you remove it?

predicted YES

PETITION TO REMOVE THE ACCEPTING BRIBES CONDITION: at this point it's almost guaranteed to resolve N/A since both sides have sunk much more than that into this market already, so it would always make sense for the losing side to give the bribe instead of taking the loss. The only person who would gain money from this market will be the maker him/herself.

Instead of having policies like this, I recommend just making clear that this is a whalebait market with chances that you could lose all your mana if you aren't careful, having a bribe option just to "prevent irresponsible decisions" sounds pretty half-assed to me (I mean no enmity to the market maker, but that's just objectively bad market design).

predicted YES

@VictorLi I think the problem is even worse, since this bribe offer opens the door to bribes so that it does not resolve N/A. I would like to see it go, but another issue is that people have been making big bets with the expectation that a bribe may be a way out.

predicted YES

For the “not N/A” bribe, I’m talking about those referenced in Catnee’s market.

There’s currently a closing date of June 1. What happens if we get to that date without someone winning? Does it resolve N/A? The closing date is extended?

predicted YES

@Gabrielle It explains in the description.

@TobyBusickWarner My bad, I’m clearly blind.

predicted YES

I'm getting a little tired of the big whale markets and I'm thinking of selling my YES position. I don't have enough mana to effectively defend my position, especially given Jonathan's threats. Don't really feel like waiting a month, and it doesn't seem like either side will get 48 hours in. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

@TobyBusickWarner I'll set a limit order at 52% and you can sell it all

predicted YES

@Benten I’ll take you up on that

predicted NO

I have about 3 million dollars. Just sayin. You don't wanna start some shit with me in a whalebait market

predicted YES

@JonathanRay I'm a bit less scared since if you spend that 3 million, either you bribe the creator or Ben Ten does.

predicted YES

@JonathanRay im just here to spectate and eat popcorns

predicted YES

@JonathanRay Am I going to make history by making you win the most profit in a single market? Sounds like a win for both of us

predicted YES

@JonathanRay Also, are you on discord?

predicted YES

@Benten I sense some illicit collusion.

predicted YES

@TobyBusickWarner You can join the chat if you want. I haven't hear from @JonathanRay yet

predicted YES

I am a merciful gigawhale so I will let benten sell yes for 42%

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