Ben and I will forecast “The Great Logging Off” on a Twitter Space at 10am EST — will 2 or more people tune in?
resolved Feb 3

Spontaneous decision to do some thinking in public about @LarsDoucet's questions on AI and The Great Logging Off. We'll go live 40 minutes after posting this, and we've not posted anything else about it, so there's a good chance that it'll just be us two (@BenGoldhaber and @finnhambly) having a chat.

Tune in = staying for at least a couple of minutes

Will post the link in the comments :) (and is also here:

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I currently have a stately 538 followers.

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@BenGoldhaber I admittedly have no idea how heavily Twitter notifies followers of active spaces — just going off of the fact that I've never listened to one for more than a minute myself lol

predicted NO

@BenGoldhaber oh and I have a gargantuan 485 followers (accrued over >12 years, so I'm pretty sure most of them are inactive at this point...)

I think it should only count as resolving if they stay longer than... a minute or two? IDK what the twitter space community is like, but I could imagine people popping their heads in and then leaving.

bought Ṁ25 of NO

@BenGoldhaber okay yeah, agreed!

predicted NO

@BenGoldhaber added "Tune in = staying for at least a couple of minutes" to the description