What will be the name of Nintendo's next console?
Nintendo Switch 2
Nintendo Switch Pro
Nintendo Super Switch
Nintendo Switch Plus
Nintendo Flip

This market resolves to the official name of the next console released by Nintendo.

This market does not resolve upon the announcement of:

  • A codename for the console (e.g. Dolphin, Nintendo NX)

  • An improved Switch model (Switch Pro, etc. - to be a "new console" for this market's purposes, the console must be able to run games that cannot run on a Nintendo Switch.)

Answers do not have to have "Nintendo" in the name; it's implicit that the name of any new Nintendo console will begin with the word "Nintendo." "Nintendo Switch 2: Electric Boogaloo" and "Switch 2: Electric Boogaloo" are both valid answers, and would count as duplicates of one another.

Speaking of duplicate answers: please do not submit them! Just bet YES on the pre-existing answer instead. Any duplicate answers will be immediately disqualified. I can see which answers were added first and I will act on that information.

In the event that no one guesses the name of Nintendo's next console, this market resolves as "Other."

The preliminary closing date is set for December 31, 2025. In the event of an announcement by Nintendo that a console reveal is upcoming - e.g. "Tune in on [date] for a presentation about our next console!" - this market will close approximately 24 hours before the presentation/announcement video/etc. is set to go live, and resolves shortly after the presentation/announcement video/etc. If a new console is revealed without warning, this market closes and resolves as soon as I am able to close and resolve it. If Nintendo has not announced a new console before December 31, 2025, this market's closing date will be pushed back by one year.

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Once the official name is announced, won't it be added as an answer invalidating the "other" answer?

@LukeHanks when you buy other, you get "free" shares in new answers equal to your position. a bet there is a bet that any other will win, so your shares duplicate infinitely, though the relative percentages ~halve. the math works out somehow, but intuitively I think it makes sense.

@LukeHanks I think the way the new multiple-choice structure works is that effectively people who own other get shares automatically in any new answer added.

bought Ṁ5 of Nintendo Super Switch YES

@A likewise a NO bet on other says that "one of the existing answers is correct", so in that case it's erased and converts to YES shares on everything that was there before the new answer was added

@A @Stralor Oh I didn't know that the "Other" answer was marked for this special treatment. Thanks.

@LukeHanks yeah it really needs a little info icon with a tooltip

@LukeHanks As the market creator - if the official name is announced and it isn't one of the listed options at close, this market resolves to "Other." Since I'll be closing the market prior to any official announcements (unless one blindsides me,) there's a very real chance of the market resolving to "Other." I could theoretically reopen the market, create a new option, and trade on that, but I think "no one was able to guess the name of the console correctly" is an interesting data point in and of itself, and I wanna preserve it.

I think it'll be called Switch Pro or Super Switch, myself. But there will be exclusives only for the new model, and existing Switch games enhanced for the new model. Kind of like Game Boy Color's backwards and forwards compatability.

Nintendo probably learned their lesson from the Wii U debacle and will want to very clearly communicate how this Switch successor stands out from the original, and is no mere accessory or add-on to the Switch. I could see them going with Nintendo Super Switch or Super Nintendo Switch, hearkening back to the NES and SNES, to emphasize the generational leap.