I will pay out 500-1k per recommendation depending on how much i like it, until the bounty runs out. It's highly unlikely I will like more than 5 recommendations anyway, given my somewhat niche preferences
Some context:
I tuned out all my political consumption after the election because of crankiness and burnout, and to avoid the predictable deluge of bad takes. So now that I'm ready to dip my toes back in, I don't know who's doing the good stuff.
I think inflation mostly caused Harris' loss but there may be some other angle I'm missing
I'm mostly interested in Democratic retrospectives and analysis/recrimination style content but any generally cool/insightful content would be welcome too
I am more likely to dismiss most confident proclamations and 'what Dems must do' style content especially if it's non-empirical
I am disillusioned by almost all my previous political consumption, and find them predictable and annoying now e.g I could not bring myself to watch any of Fareed Zakaria's pretentious waffling and repetitive slate of guests, I'm dismissing Ezra Klein's spree of supposedly sophisticated takes out of hand, have only listened to a couple election-related podcasts etc Typical liberal media punditry e.g Yglesias, Josh Barro, Noah Smith that I would broadly categorize as pseudo-insightful might annoy more than inform me (but there may be exceptions?)
The two pieces of content I've enjoyed unequivocally so far are:
https://www.natesilver.net/p/kamala-harris-was-a-replacement-level - by Nate Silver cause it convinced me Democrats weren't doomed from the start like I believed (and cause it is sympathetic to Kamala, which I am)
https://mattglassman.substack.com/p/provisional-initial-election-thoughts- cause it seemed on the mark while being unpretentious
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but I really enjoyed this ~20 minute rundown by Scott Manley on how Trump's election might influence spaceflight over the next few years (including the Artemis moon landing program, who might be leading NASA, and more). Scott can ramble a little bit at times, but I thought his insights on this video were pretty sharp:
Heather Cox Richardson is a professor of history at Boston College who focuses on American studies. She publishes a daily newsletter via Substack, Letters from an American, which comments on current events within the larger context of American history. I've appreciated her perspectives and would highly recommend giving her a read, just in general.
I'm unsure if you're wanting post-hoc analysis specifically about the election itself. Jon Stewart hosted Richardson on his weekly podcast a few days after the election, and you may also find this episode interesting.
This is a great discussion of the role of prediction markets in the election, but it isn't just YAY Markets, BOO polling. It connects them to a broader theme. https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2024/11/09/infofinance.html
Here's another specifically on Polymarket: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/congrats-to-polymarket-but-i-still
https://split-ticket.org/2024/11/10/2024-showed-the-value-of-polling/ - this is an analysis of polling error in 2024 which I found interesting since analyzing polls is a big part of political trading on Manifold.
@traders (?) I have gotten far fewer submissions than I imagined i would but they all seem interesting, and work just ramped up so I can't read/watch them yet so I'll get back to them over the weekend before I award the entire bounty. in the meantime, I have awarded each submission 200 mana as a token of my appreciation