Recommend me goals for my paternity leave
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I’m on leave from my job for 2.5 months for paternity leave to care for my son. What should my goals be to spend this time with no regrets? I have some ideas but curious what this community would recommend.

My son will be ~3-6 months old during this time and takes ~4 naps a day of 45+ minutes.

Bounty paid to goals I end up actually setting, want to set (even if I don’t end up doing them), or wish I would have set. Bonus for ideas that I hadn’t previously considered, or considered deeply.

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  • Plant a tree somewhere and dedicate it to your kid - later they can look at a tree that’s their age.

  • Take a working out/activity goal, a light one like a daily walk would still pay off, even better if you can carry your baby with you if that’s not too soon still. Keeping active while having disturbed sleep cycles is hard, so a goal would definitely help you here

  • Take a goal to become more contemplating and enjoying present time - you could try to spend 15 min minimum every day to yourself to just observe in stillness and think about what you see. Any details could be an inspiration. Your baby sleeping will probably provide a lot of those - just remember to avoid opening your phone in these precious moments you will probably miss in the future.

  • Since you’ll be spending plenty of time at home, there could be a whole lot of goals you could take. As others mentioned here helping with chores, if not taking care of most of them, but also fixing stuff around the house (to the best of your ability), etc

This will be fun anyway I’m sure, whichever goals you decide to take :)


Take one photo of your son a day.


Actually take nap four with your son every day. …and maybe your wife.


Goal suggestion: get all the laundry folded and properly distributed throughout the house before the end of your son’s second nap each day.

Bonus goal: empty and reload the dishwasher by the end of nap three!


A couple ideas:

Read The Sequences by Eliezer Yudkowsky

Read the 80,000 Hours advanced series, problem profiles, career guide etc

Learn a coding language and/or machine learning via Sololearn


Talk to 5 different users on Manifold about big ideas

Thank you all!