How many papers or projects will The Unjournal ( evaluate during the 18 months starting on July 1 2023?

How many papers or projects will The Unjournal ( 1. evaluate and 2. publicly post the evaluations of these papers or projects.

On whatever page they use for hosting these (currently .

... During the 18 months starting at 12:01am New York on July 1 2023, and ending on Jan 1 2025.

This counts only evaluated papers (or projects) where the first evaluation is newly posted within that interval. (It does not include papers or projects evaluated and posted before the start date).

To count, a paper or project must have at least 1 evaluation present on the relevant page.

- The evaluation(s) must be publicly accessible on the web

- The evaluations must have been commissioned by the Unjournal management; if they move to a platform allowing anyone to post a paper (project) or evaluations, these papers/evaluations will not count towards the total.

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