Will I average 7.5 hours of sleep through the rest of October?
resolved Nov 20

Edit: will add daily updates on bottom of description. If you'd like a proof/screenshot of any particular day I'm happy to provide it.


I am trying to take steps to live a healthier life. Meditation, eating healthier, drinking more water, drinking less alcohol, exercise. What I'm struggling to do is get the amount of sleep I want. I average about 6.5 hours of sleep. Ideally I want 8 hours of sleep, but I'm shooting for something more realistic. Based on data from my Apple Watch. I'm going to bet yes off the bat to drive up the percentage and motivate myself, but I'd argue that the odds of me accomplishing this are close to 50-50. Some facts to consider:

  • I need to be up no later than 645AM every weekday morning. Every so often I wake up as early as 6AM depending on my anticipated workload that day.

  • On weekends I'm woken by my 3 year old around 7AM on average.

  • My 3 year old falls asleep around 830PM and wakes up and cries for me 1-3 times a night. I'm probably awake because of him for about 20-30 minutes on average during the night.

  • I've been sacrificing sleep for "fun." Ability to watch a sporting event or Netflix or something. I go to bed too late. The idea of going to bed by 10-ish is not something I'm happy with.

  • I don't currently have any weekend plans that would keep me up late.

Let me know if you have other questions I can answer. I'm also open to advice. :)

October 22-23: 6hr, 57m

October 23-24: 7hr, 35m

October 24-25: 5hr, 57m

October 25-26: 7hr, 16m

October 26-27: 8hr, 54m

October 27-28: No data πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

October 28-29: 8hr, 8m

October 29-30: 6hr, 53m

Average : 7 hours, 22 minutes

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@cj83 I have resolved this N/A because there is not enough data to conclusively rule Yes or No. If you actually have the data for the missing day(s), bring it and we can re-resolve to the correct result.

predicted NO

@Admin This question has been abandoned. Please refund. Thx!

predicted NO

@cj83 How'd it go?

predicted NO

Some say he's still sleeping 😴

predicted NO

Is it possible to close this?

predicted NO

I see you have bet consistently for yes...

predicted NO

Are you awake Chris, or are you waiting for the closing to start November off right?

predicted YES

Last night was a struggle. I think I need 2 8hr nights to get this.

predicted YES


I will average 7.5 hours of sleep through the rest of October. starting from the month of October my alarm is set to sleep at 10pm when i have classes at 9am and at 11pm when i have classes at 10am. there are few times my alarm is set earlier due to certain reasons. I do sleep at 9pm on certain days so i can wake up early. so, through the month it has been the same routine and below is my excel sheet of my sleep time and wakeup time for the month of October and the average across the month and the average for the remaining of the month.

The average of the remaining of the month left is also 7.52 which means it is likely my sleep average through the rest of October will be 7.5 hours.

Statistically, my average sleep for the month of October will be 7.5 hours and the average for the remaining of the month is 7.5 hours.

predicted YES

I am rooting for you! Honk shoe honk shoe

@cj83 I've said this before and I'll say it again: if you have trouble with your sleep, you should take melatonin.

bought αΉ€35 of YES

@duck_master You should be able to sleep through the night without it though. You can get easily dependent on melatonin and it is scary

predicted YES

@hell0kittea So yea my issue isn’t usually falling sleep and staying asleep (without a child crying for me) it’s physically getting my body to bed early enough like an adult should. Lol.