Is @surxdev on discord lying?
resolved Apr 1

This user joined the Manifold server at 9:30PM PST and messaged a large number of users a few hours later.

Is this guy scamming us or is this real? Resolves based on Atomic Fellowship's confirmation or concrete evidence, and if we do not receive a reply from the fellowship resolves N/A.

I asked on X. We will know shortly

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predicted NO

I'm going to close the market on March 31 and resolve N/A if there is no response by then.

predicted NO

Alright I just asked on X

predicted NO

It's kinda sus that he deleted a bunch of the messages that he sent to me

bought Ṁ10 of YES

What needs to be confirmed for the market to resolve YES? I think it should be that the Atomic Fellowship asked for an MVP to be delivered before Jan 1st.

predicted NO

@calderknight I will confirm that he is actually

a. part of the fellowship
b. saying true things about the MVP delivery date

predicted NO

@cc6 If the email is legitimate then I can confirm both

bought Ṁ250 of NO

Google this guy. Seems legit

bought Ṁ0 of NO

Once you have gotten in contact with the fellowship, can you share the message you sent here?

predicted NO