Will at least half of my terrarium jars still have living plants in them when I return from my trip?
resolved Feb 1

I have 8 terrarium jars.

I made 2 of them several months ago, in a set of 4 (2 others died after about a month). This past weekend, I made 6 more. The first two have a single plant each and are sealed in canning-sized Ball jars. The 6 new ones are in much larger sealed jars (2 liters each?), and include between 1 and 5 plants each; mostly ferns and mosses. They're planted in varying substrates that include decorative pebbles, sand, tropical potting soil mix, cactus/succulent mix, and activated charcoal. Each jar has a layer of pebbles and/or sand at the bottom, separated from the soil by some activated charcoal and a window screen cutout, for drainage.

They're all sitting on the west-facing windowsill in my bedroom in Berkeley.

I'm leaving on a multi-month trip starting later this week; I'm not sure exactly when I'll be back, but I think it will be some time during December or January. The whole point of building the terraria was to have some nice-looking zero-maintenance plants. So I'm not planning to have any of my housemates look after them at all.

Market will resolve YES if at least 4 of these 8 terraria still visibly have living plants in them when I get back.

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I haven't returned yet, but it's looking promising: Based on a video I just got from my subletter, at least 4 are still alive.

sold Ṁ5 of NO

@bwr When are you planning on returning?

Here's a few close up

Here they are in situ:

Can you post a photo of the jars?