Going back to debating for this winter season! The topic this time is about whether generative AI has more benefits than harms for education.
I decided to take the liberty of parsing every single PDF of the judge's ballot from the first debate of this season and dumping it into an AI to help me summarize. 63 ballots from these debates can be found formatted into markdown at https://github.com/Bohaska/debate-ai-education/blob/main/Debate/AI%20in%20education/Past%20debates/20-10-2024%20HS/Debate%20ballots.md
You can also find an exported copy of my Obsidian vault with all notes relating to the debate in .md format at https://github.com/Bohaska/debate-ai-education.
We will have 4 rounds of debate in the first day, and then there will be semifinals and finals in the next day. There are 11 teams competing.
How likely is it that your opponents find the work you did and uses it for themselves as well ?
@bohaska Fun fact, the exact topic is in the rotation for the US branch of the same debate competition for March 2025 (potentially selected if most people vote for it), so maybe I'll get some hits on my repo then