Hello Traders! Thanks for betting on this market. After discussing it with moderators, and since we have no official statement, I'm resolving it to NO, even though I believe it’s due to health reasons. Thanks to everyone who bet on YES, and if you have suffered a substantial loss, please DM me, I will be more than happy to compensate you for your loss.
Wow looks like he doesn’t admit that concerns for his health was the reason for dropping out but instead says he’s giving into the coup against him to pass the torch. But the whole thing was motivated by his health concerns after the debate. Makes no sense framing his decision to step down as being humble as opposed to a man of ambition because he’s only served one term.
Should at least wait for his address later this week before resolving it. He mentioned giving one later this week. He could go more into it. If during his speech he mentions health as one of the reasons why he could not be the president for the next four years, it resolves to yes, right?
Not sure, how to resolve this guys, need help from the moderators. It seems people are still speculating on Biden's whereabouts and his health condition. Not sure what to do with his Doctors statement.
Mods please advice.
im not a mod but my thought is to just wait for now, we'll see wht happens
pinging @mods (you can use this in the future to get their attention @bitSanjay )