Will I enter a Jhana in 2024?
Dec 31

Getting into more serious meditation this year. Have been very consistent so far and am quite into it. I'm following the r/streamentry begginer's guide (https://www.reddit.com/r/streamentry/wiki/beginners-guide/#wiki_part_five.3A_exploring_the_breath_.28weeks_1-4.29). Resolves yes if I experience what is unambiguously a Jhana state in 2024.

I will not trade this market apart from an initial 50 on Yes for motivation. Will answer questions in comments and probably make occasional updates there.


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Still working at this but it's june so.....

I believe in you! I've entered the "first jhana" a couple of times and those experiences have been amongst the most memorable in my life.

How long have you been meditating and how long on average do you meditate a day?

Under hard or soft criteria for defining jhana?

predicts YES

@NathanShowell can you define the difference?

@billyhumblebrag Different lineages have different standards for what depth of concentration they require for an experience to be considered jhana. There are some that only count extremely concentrated states known as the nimitta jhanas (a.k.a. hard jhanas or luminous jhanas), whereas others count a wider range of experiences.

predicts YES

@NathanShowell let's say soft.