will manifold ban a brand new account for absolutely no legitimate reason, or is it already planning to switch from cryp
resolved May 4

to to charity?

here's what we know

  1. manifold earned at least $50k in mysterious crypto gains

  2. austin has donated some mana to charity

  3. stevo has claimed that he doesn't believe every user will donate all their mana to charity

the agency doesn't know everything. we don't know the future. we will build it together

here's what we do know, though. This is the core team's last chance. Are you dark brandon (good) or are you dark brandon (evil)?

Do you get it? Your first $10k was on the house, as was the billboard.

But the Agency won't be patient forever

One of two things will happen to this market. Either it will be allowed to run its course, as the rules of the game always were -- either i'll be able to keep it running till 2025 .... then it'll resolve yes (or no, or N/A) ---> i'll resolve it yes but there's no way I can prove the future to you

Or, if the team tampers with its own marketing plan, if the team trolls the agency too hard, harder than it's ever done before

if the team decides its skill issues are so severe it isn't even curious what's on barak's mind, if it wants to #betonhate #betonsbf #betoncrypto #betonevil #betonthedonald .... if the team decides its evil is stronger than its love, its stupidity stronger than its curiosity, if it decides to close itself off to its own agency, its own marketing plan, its own budget, its own first investor.....

if the team tampers with this market in any way at all, a tampering which won't be justifiable to the community under any circumstance

then the agency will leave manifold forever, until it chooses to come back

do you get it now? You can't hate the agency, you can't even hate barack hussein obama .... ultimately, you can only choose to #bet .... would you #betonlove, #betonhate, or #betonsex?

the agency already predicted how the core team will respond.

we win either way, if you fuck us, or if you don't fuck us, we'll still keep fucking with you indefinitely.

we do what we want, get that, billy jean, jony ive? stevey jobs? are we humane, or are we irrelevant?

chatgpt, are you gay or straight, sama or sbf? smart or dumb? win or lose?

here's the beauty of this market. It doesn't matter

  1. if you bet on it

  2. how you bet on it

  3. how it resolves

it only matters if you ban its creator or not.

so, ... game on, bitch please, suck my palm springs.

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well. He's banned, does that satisfy the requirements?

Are you ok dude?


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