Which slogans will be emblazoned on Manifold swag in H1 2024?
Jul 2
A QR code that links to a Manifold market of your choice
Always tell me the odds
Not a slogan: The calibration shirt James was wearing at Manifest
put your mana where your mouth is
Find your statistically significant other
Seize the means of prediction
All the sins except sloth
Unfold the future OR folding the future
bet your beliefs
Well Calibrated
welcome to the fold
Will AI wipe out this T-shirt by 2030?
I will put a probability on literally anything for 50ct
news that's above the fold
I am ruled by crazed Scientist-Barons
Profit from your priors
Predicted five of the last two US House Speakers
not crypto
Mana on my mind / mani on my mind

Check out what's already available on shop.manifold.markets!

We will mail you a free shirt/swag item if we use your suggestion! (dm @baraki to claim). Please refrain from adding close variants of existing options.

Edit: covers first-party Manifold, Inc. swag or swag produced by this project.

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so is this still happening? or NA @Joshua

@strutheo haven't some of these already resolved YES?

bought แน€2,000 Answer #6bdba365f20b YES

creates all the lowest % ones so u can buy those options YES and make way better returns /s

boughtแน€2,000Answer #6bdba365f20b YES

@Bayesian you squeezed right in there

sold แน€3 [logo] NO

@barak Is the market meant to close in an hour? H1 stands for first half of 2024 right

@Bayesian yes, thanks, fixed

A QR code that links to a Manifold market of your choice
bought แน€7

this would be SO COOL but can anyone actually print one-offs for reasonable price/quality

(now i'm wondering whether it's possible to like...cross-stitch something like this)

@goblinodds yes, we can do it. Gelato allows for customizable shirts. Gonna try to set this up soon, it's actually easier than the custom calibration, which is easy as well but requires css changes to work well

@baraki oh SERIOUSLY?? sick
i guess in that case people will probably want to stick to linking to longer-term markets

Always tell me the odds

@IsaacKing wait is it actually possible to ahem give merch like this away as a free gift without legal repercussions, because,,


@IsaacKing I want this phrase, but without this image. Just the origami logo or something

bought แน€100 of Answer #6bdba365f20b YES

Looks like a couple resolve YES already?


bought แน€30 of Answer #540fb76849cc YES

@benshindel Is this the right source? Or does this shop not count? Or are these prior to the contest?

@benshindel it does count. I will resolve those options yes in due time, or someone else will resolve them yes beforehand


personally I'm more into a nice big logo (than a slogan)

@Tumbles beat me to it on betting it up ๐Ÿ˜… but good to know it's not just me

Pearl-clutching censorship strikes again smh my head ๐Ÿ˜ก at least make it clearly ironic like heckin' or something, come on ๐Ÿ˜ข

I am ruled by crazed Scientist-Barons

This one is for the plebs

This would be the staff-only version

bought แน€250 of Answer #540fb76849cc YES
Not a slogan: The calibration shirt James was wearing at Manifest

@JamesGrugett can you send over the designs for it?

Between this and my squirrel, my claim to the title of professional artist is getting stronger and stronger

@Tumbles this is unironically SO GOOD

news that's above the fold

i do think using the term 'news' is very dicey, because manifold is basically just unvetted ugc, and to make that comparison raises a lot of expectations on moderation, content quality/control, etc

i do think using the term 'news' is very dicey, because manifold is basically just unvetted ugc, and to make that comparison raises a lot of expectations on moderation, content quality/control, etc

@strutheo this is a great tension to point out. Personally I would love to lean in on it -- if people get that far it means we're winning the battle for attention/awareness