Will I go climbing with at least 2 distinct people?
resolved Jun 18

people cannot be immediately related to me.

if i go on 2 climbs each with 1 diff person this resolves to yes -- if i do 1 with 2 people, it would count as well.

i count a planned climb together as being good for this market, but if im climbing at a gym and climb with someone else for an hour, i will consider that a climbing session. "together" means we interact over the time period that we climb.

side note -- ive almost never climbed. as in, maybe once or twice my whole life. i dont generally have time to go to a gym or have shoes.

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predicted YES

please remember -- nothing about this market said i had to confirm i climbed or not. i am perfectly fine with throwing red herrings.

predicted YES

@astyerche (i climbed like 2 days after the creation of this market lol)

bought Ṁ50 of YES


bought Ṁ100 of YES

i did not climb today >:(

bought Ṁ63 of YES

me betting yes because i think climbing is fun

bought Ṁ5 of YES

rmbr, voting yes for me on these personal goal style markets is generally me betting for an outcome, rather than because i believe it will happen.

predicted YES

@astyerche this obviously doesn't seem 100% rational, but given that i can help decide the otucome of a market by putting in more energy, it might actually be...