Will I go to sleep before the roosters start crowing?
resolved Apr 20

I'm in Italy on vacation. There are chickens near the place I'm staying. Every single night this week, I've heard the roosters crowing (ya know, cock-a-doodle-doo-ing or whatever) before I went to sleep.

I think I went to sleep at something like 1, 7:30, and 3:30 am so far, but they start crowing earlier than that, and keep at it occasionally through the night until morning — for example, its 4:30 right now and I've been hearing them for a while, but idk how long bc im horrible at estimating time. (also im like 80% sure they did the first night but idk if it was before i went to sleep or if they woke me up bc i was jetlagged and my memory's super hazy.) I'd say I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule, but honestly I don't really care anymore bc the time difference means I'm screwed anyway, and theres only a few days left so I'll go to sleep when I'm tired and I'm not super tired yet (besides, my sleep schedule being messed up is not news to anyone lmao). That said, I will try to try to get like a reasonable amount of sleep.

Resolves yes if I do not notice that the roosters have started crowing before I go to sleep, at all this week (oh wow only two nights left).

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guys we distracted her by playing swiftle mission accomplished

Update: apparently there are strikes on the airline we were going to fly on, so our first flight got canceled. Instead of flying out Friday morning, we're going to take a train Thursday night... so only one night left now.

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such a poetic market title for such a degenerate purpose

@ithildulin I know, right?? lol