Will I still be on the contract for my old apartment's internet 1 month from now?
resolved May 25
I've moved out of Switzerland, to SF. The internet in my old apartment is still on me and it's been annoying trying to get them to transfer it to my ex-roommate. The company is Yallo. Apparently the contract can't be transferred - I need to cancel it, and my flatmate needs to start a new contract. This market resolves YES if by market close I have not yet cancelled the contract. I want to cancel it in conditions which are OK for my flatmate - i.e., couple weeks before the internet cuts out, so that he has time to get a new internet contract. On the other hand, resolves NO if by market close the contract is cancelled. (i.e., possibly still provides internet for the old apartment for some time, but will run out sometime soonish) May 22, 10:51pm: i submitted the cancellation request by support chat. They said they'd send me confirmation by mail, never got it. Planning to use their support chat next time I can bring myself to stay awake past midnight California time to confirm they're actually cancelling the contract, and by when
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predicted NO
just confirmed that the contract has been terminated, and have checked the termination date. though the termination date is in the future (~2 months from now), as explained in description, that still counts as NO
predicted YES
Thanks. What will you do if they send you a bill for Internet after the 22nd but some people at the ISP claim that it was a mistake and you don't have to pay (as long as you trust them not to ruin your credit)?
predicted NO
Will resolve as soon as I know the actual state.
predicted NO
Was done over customer support chat. Still no confirmation in mail :(
+1 to Tim Acuff's comment. If Rai had received confirmation, he'd probably have posted the happy news. Also, I'm guessing (priors) that the cancellation request was done over the phone, which means that there's no official paper trail.
I believe in the power of slow bureaucracy.
support should be sending confirmation of terminating contract with 2 month notice by EOD in Europe
some attempts to get it terminated last day-two