Will I manage to get my account unblocked today?
resolved Jun 15
Discover bank locked my account cause of some security thing, probably just need me to confirm some transaction. I just gotta call them. But their security people are only available during work hours and it sounds like they have a huge ~90 min queue. ("We're experiencing an unusually high" fuck off it's your job to staff enough people or not make people go through your goddamn phone system from the 80's) Resolves to YES if by end of day today this thing is resolved and my account is unlocked
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turns out waiting for couple more hours was enough. egh.
predicted YES
1 hour 51 minutes. I am getting worried that this circus is going to close their security people before they pick up a call I've been on for nearly 2 hours.
predicted YES
1 hour 40 minutes. I am a frustrated camper.
predicted YES
currently on the phone, been listening to muzak for 49 minutes now. thanks Discover.
predicted YES
not done yet.
predicted YES
Yeah that's mostly the question - will I bite the bullet and call, will I be willing to stay on however long the queue is, plus a bit of will I be able to resolve this
bought Ṁ10 of YES
Assuming you wait through the queue, I think yes. If you get fed up and hang up, or don't call today, obviously the answer is no.