Finland will remain the world’s happiest country, while America won’t crack the top dozen [in 2023]
resolved Mar 23

This is one of Vox's Future Perfect predictions for 2023; they give it a 75% chance:

Every year, the World Happiness Report ranks countries in terms of the happiness of their populations. It’s an attempt to pay more attention to indicators of subjective well-being as opposed to raw GDP.

Finland has been the happiest country for five years running, thanks to its well-run public services, high levels of trust in authority, and low levels of crime and inequality, among other things. And in 2022, researchers noted that its victory wasn’t even a close call: Its score was “significantly ahead” of every other country. So I think it’s likely to hold onto the top spot in 2023. As for America, its ranking did improve recently — from 19th place in 2021 to 16th place in 2022 — but it has never made it into the top dozen spots.


Resolves according to Vox Future Perfect's judgment at the end of the year.

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predicted YES

My Mana has been liberated! Thank you kind sir, and sorry for all the comparisons to Hitler!

predicted YES

Here to celebrate day 3 of my mana payout being withheld. People are saying @a is worse than Hitler...Al Quinn wouldn't go that far, but an inquiry is certainly in order!

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Finland thrives with joy and glee,
Far from misery and debris.
While America may falter and moan,
Finland’s happiness will be shown.

Is anyone opposed to me resolving this YES and having it re-resolved if Vox rules it otherwise?

predicted YES

@a A guy like me could starve waiting for the voxsplaining mouthbreathers to resolve this in accordance with the clear primary source info indicating YES. Al Quinn has bills to pay, no complaints here!

predicted YES

@a day 2 of Al Quinn's full payout being denied by you. Stop the steal!

predicted YES

@a resolve to YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

predicted YES

@AlQuinn I hope I'm buying on the right report; website is a dumpster fire

bought Ṁ10 of NO

I feel like there's a decent chance that some other Nordic country (e.g. Denmark, Sweden) just barely overtakes Finland. Expecting some uncertainty given how similar those countries are