"Civil War" (2024) Metacritic page: https://www.metacritic.com/movie/civil-war/
I will resolve based on the Metascore score (i.e. critics, not audiences) on April 26th (two weeks after release).
The Metascore for "Captain America: Civil War" is 75. This market resolves YES if "Civil War" (2024) has a Metascore of 76 or higher.
NOTE: "Civil War" just premiered at SXSW, and some reviews have already been published—I'm still running this market because I expect many reviews to be held until release, so the Metascore could shift quite a bit.
I will use whatever precision is listed by Metacritic (typically an integer, no decimal, and ties resolve NO).
Example: the Metascore for Alex Garland's earlier (masterpiece) "Ex Machina" is currently 78.
Check out fresh Metacritic markets for FURIOSA & DEADPOOL:
@traders exactly 75, resolves NO.
Get your bets in, big and small—this is the last weekend where manifold adds subsidies to new markets, so don’t hold back, add some bets to all the markets you see to make sure they’re well stocked for the liquidity winter. Here’s a Metacritic market for DEADPOOL 3