I will resolve these markets based on the Tomatometer score (i.e. critics not audiences) one weeks after release (i.e. April 11th).
I will use whatever precision is listed by Rotten Tomatoes (typically an integer percentage, no decimal—note that these are strict inequalities).
@ian oh just old habits tbh! in part i duplicated an old market, in part IIUC numeric simplifies setting the buckets but i'm likely going to manually set my own buckets anyways.
ah i see but doing it oldschool means you don't get an EV displayed. fair—next time, will have to use numeric!
@ian when i try and make a clone of this market to try the numeric version, it gives me "error validating request". i assume that's because i need to specify the low/high values, i can't set the thresholds myself?

@ian ok nvm whatever that issue was seems unrelated, i made a fresh market (rather than duplicating) and it seems like i was able to set my own ranges just fine. (duplicate but i wanted to test the market type). not sure if me selecting 15/60% as the bounds impacts the EV calculation at all? (maybe I should have done 0/100% but i thought maybe i had to pick the endpoints that i was gonna use for the auto-generation, but then i overrode them anyways)