Will there be a public transportation strike affecting 2024 Paris Olympics
Aug 12

A minor strike with only little impact would not count.

If it gets covered in news, with complaints from spectators, athletes or IOC, it resolves YES.

A strike the day after closing ceremony would count as participant needs to come back home.

I will not bet on this market, in case its just in between.

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Paris 2024: VTC (ride-hailing) drivers mobilize to denounce their working conditions during the Olympic Games.

The collective INV is calling on VTC drivers to mobilize on Thursday in Paris through a "snail operation" on the ring road. During the summer of 2024, they will not be able to use the 185 kilometers of Olympic lanes.

If their request is not taken into account, they may disrupt the games : « Si on n’a rien, on sera obligés de s’inviter aux JO autrement ».
They are not considered a public transportation, so this would not cause this market to resolve YES.