(note: this market description contains spoilers for a previously released Marvel film)
Resolves to whoever kills Kang, the final time that any variant Kang is killed on-screen in the MCU. This market will resolve and assume there will be no further Kang deaths at the end of Avengers: Secret Wars, unless by then it has been confirmed that a Kang will return after Avengers: Secret Wars.
If multiple people simultaneously kill the final Kang, or simultaneously kill multiple Kangs at the end of the final battle against Kangs, resolves at random to one of those people. If the final Kang dies from what does not appear to be anyone killing him (i.e. accidentally tripping and falling off a cliff not as the result of anyone deliberately manipulating him into falling off that cliff), resolves N/A.
It may be difficult to measure time given that events may take place outside of any timeline, but I will most likely default to the order that things appear on-screen.
If Kang never returns to the MCU, this market nevertheless resolves to the last person who has killed Kang, which as of the creation of this market is Ant-Man.
I quite possibly am missing some other edge cases here, with all the complications from variants and the multiverse, and may have to decide how to handle those in the future.
Users can submit their own answers. I will not resolve to any answer that is not a single person, so don't submit anything like "Other" or "The Avengers" unless you want to lose Ṁ.
(Updated on September 7, 2023 - changed resolution date to 2027)
(spoilers for Loki season 2)
To everyone who's been buying Ant-Man today - if Kang never returns to the MCU, the market does not resolve to Ant-Man. Since the creation of this market, Loki season 2 has come out, so Ant-Man is no longer the most recent Kang-killer.
Unfortunately, Loki season 2 brings new complications. You see, the last on-screen death of a Kang was in Loki S2E6, by spaghettification. That probably counts as an accident, and an accidental death means it resolves N/A. But Loki did cause all of the spaghettifications, knowing that it would probably kill him (but hoping that it wouldn't)... so one could sort of argue that it counts as Loki killing him. After that, he was killed several more times by Sylvie - but each of those times was just off-screen, and only heard rather than seen, so they shouldn't really count.
I think it's complicated enough that, while I could see arguments for Loki or Sylvie, I'll probably just resolve it N/A if Kang never returns. But it's definitely not currently Ant-Man.