[planecrash] Will the Planecrash glowfic have an epilogue set more than 20 years into the future?
resolved Jul 4

Eliezer Yudkowsky has stated on Discord that he is working on an epilogue for the end of Planecrash. Other details are unclear.

If this epilogue is released and takes place more than 20 years after the end of Planecrash, this market resolves YES. If it takes place less than 20 years after the end of Planecrash, this market resolves NO. If it is sufficiently ambiguous how long it has been, I will ask on Discord and hopefully get an answer from the authors, but if they don't respond, I will have to resolve N/A.

If no epilogue has been released by the end of 2023, and does not appear to be coming any time soon after that (e.g. if the authors haven't given any indication that they'll have it finished in the next few months), this market resolves NO.

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On https://manifold.markets/EvanDaniel/planecrash-will-planecrash-have-an, Eliezer just bought YES up to 93% for the epilogue being released by July 1st, 2024 (following a similar trade by Gretta), so I'll take that as confirmation Eliezer intends to write it in the next few months. This market will stay open until then, pending more information.