Red flag = a warning of danger, usually used in the context of behavior that is considered problematic or that signifies an increased likelihood that someone engages in other behaviors that are problematic.
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I'm a little bit surprised by the results. It's the platform where a former president and likely GOP candidate posts regular statements in 2024. To get news on time and to watch direct sources, it is not necessary, but it’s not a bad thing to get a real and unfiltered view of one of most watched and powerful persons in the world, regardless of your opinion of Trump. For me, having an account shows that someone is able to research for themselves and make an unbiased, independent opinion.
(I don't have an account, but I regularly visit the site to see his statements and posts.)
Do you think "grab them by the pussy" was taken out of context or something like that? Or "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and people would still vote for me?"
"We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it"?