Will N/A resolution emails be less confusing by March 2023?
resolved Dec 29

The N/A resolution emails currently look like this:

This is very confusing and I'm not sure what either of those numbers means.

Adam predicts it's inevitable:

I'll run a poll about this during the first week of March. This market resolves YES if at least 50% of people think the market resolution emails became less confusing. Otherwise it resolves NO.

I may also resolve YES early if there is overwhelming consensus that the answer is YES.

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I'm N/A'ing this since March is forever ago, the stakes and action in this market are relatively low, and it's not worth the time to try and retroactively figure it out.

@SirSalty plus no one provided a screenshot from March in 11d

@traders The creator seems inactive, so this will need a mod resolve. I'm reopening this in hopes that someone will post an answer. For example, a screenshot of an email from prior to March, or code snippet from the repo, showing whether things changed by then and whether the change was less confusing. Note that the date this is predicting (now retrodicting) about is unchanged.

If I don't see such evidence by the new close time, I'm planning to resolve N/A. If anyone objects to this plan or thinks this is a mistake please let me know!

@EvanDaniel you know, it would take less effort to make the poll than to write this response and implied back-and-forth evidence presenting.

@Mira Probably true! But I'm not clear that there's enough info here for the people voting in the poll to know what the answer was in March unless someone does the research anyway, so...

@Jenny Can this resolve?

@Yev can we haz poll?

predicted YES

@MartinRandall Sorry, I forgot about this market.

Does anyone have a screenshot of a recent N/A resolution email, where they have traded in the market?

sold Ṁ153 of NO

I got one today with no numbers. Maybe something changed.

predicted NO

@MartinRandall I also did, but it was a market I had followed without trading in. Maybe it was the same for you?

@jack this was a market I had made m9 market making and then resolved N/A when I had no position, so I lost the m9.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

They didn't change at all as far as I can tell

predicted YES

@MartinRandall The pictured one has different amounts for investment and payout, which is confusing to me because I thought they should be the same. The recent N/A resolutions I can see in my emails at least have the same number in each place.

predicted NO

@KatjaGrace Huh. I thought that was just because my recent ones haven't had any realized profits.

sold Ṁ43 of NO

@KatjaGrace I got one on Jan 28th with different numbers.

predicted NO

@MartinRandall ah probably nothing has changed then—I don't know if mine had realized profits, so they probably didn't.

Will N/A resolution emails be less confusing by March 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

Well, it would certainly be less confusing if you just replaced that text with a message about how N/A resolution means all the previous trades on the market were undone.

bought Ṁ25 of YES

@jack Yes, I think that is one way this could resolve positively.