What beginner project should my sister do to learn computer science and make money?
resolved Jul 1
Make a simple unity3d or unreal engine game
Try Streamlit https://streamlit.io/
Graphics project
Front end design project
Graphics project: make a scene that changes over time
Take UI/UX course on coursera; Thanks hammerhead#3288 for suggesting this
She's a the hello-world / fizzbuzz level with Python. She likes art and she likes people. She also enjoys math and CS but until I started showering her with encouragement she always thought she couldn't do it. Jun 21, 12:21pm: She's just finished her freshman year at a small Tennessee Christian college. She doesn't like it there. People are too entrenched in their ideologies and they don't think and they don't ask questions and they don't try things. She is only there because our mother wants her to be and it's cheap.
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Make a simple unity3d or unreal engine game
bought Ṁ10
@ian yoo I like this idea. I had a ton of fun with unity earlier
Make a simple unity3d or unreal engine game
If unity seems daunting, i also recommend defold. Having hot reloads really enhance the experience
Make a simple unity3d or unreal engine game
bought Ṁ5
You get to combine art and CS into one project!
Try Streamlit https://streamlit.io/
(also, this is one of the best option to make money, you can interface a machine learning model without understanding it, or do cool artsy interactive things with it)
Try https://exercism.org/
bought Ṁ10
@TinhSon oo ty
Try Streamlit https://streamlit.io/
bought Ṁ30
treamlit is awesome, very simple to use and the results are very satisfying very quickly. Highly recommend
Try Streamlit https://streamlit.io/
bought Ṁ15
Streamlit is the easiest way to take a bit of Python knowledge and turn it into a fully-fledged, shareable web app, complete with buttons, text forms, images and videos, etc. I think it's a great tool for someone who's at Fizzbuzz-levels of python and trying to see what to do next! I'd be happy to walk her through trying it out, if she'd be interested: https://mni.fo/austin-chat (Disclaimer: I used to work there 😝)
One of my favorite projects in my beginning CS class (well, ok, there were a couple) was an assignment to use Turtle to make a (fairly low res) Mandelbrot set, such that it would zoom in wherever you clicked on it. Not a moneymaking thing, but I thought it was fun+satisfying to finish (and not a terrible amount of work either). We had another project using Turtle to make a playable version of the game Othello.