Will the Supreme Court of the United States overturn the ruling of the Colorado Supreme Courts Trump Ballot Ban (Feb 8)
resolved Mar 4

SCOTUS has agreed to hear arguments on the Trump Colorado Ballot Ban on 8 Feb 2024.

This will resolve to yes if SCOTUS rules to overturn.

Time will be extended by 24hrs for every day there is not a decision after 8 Feb

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Why is everyone so confident that they will overturn it? It's a pretty clear-cut case that all courts and legal scholars have agreed with so far, no?

@Snarflak There were 3 dissents in the SCOCO case, so there is not consensus in the courts. Also the district court ruled that Trump should be on the ballot

predicted NO

@Noah1 But those don't have any merit, do they?

In February 2020, The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in K&D LLC v. Trump Old Post Office, LLC, 951 F. 3d 503, concluded, at President Trump's request, that the U.S. President is a federal officer, when they wrote: “President Trump removed the suit to federal court under the federal officer removal statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1442(a)(1).”