Will my room be clean next week?
resolved Mar 8

It took me a solid two weeks for me to clean my room because I'm lazy I guess. So since I finally cleaned it I thought I would make this market as a way to incentivize myself to keep it clean. A little sad that I have to be encouraged to clean my room, but shut up. Nerd.

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predicted YES

Shame on you.

predicted YES
bought Ṁ100 of YES


predicted YES

@pain ._.

predicted YES

Ok boys, what happened was I had an unexpected orthodontist appointment. This will unfortunately resolve no

predicted YES
predicted YES

Clean it


predicted YES

@Gen im at school

predicted YES

@DesTiny Wtf, is it clean?

predicted YES

@Gen uhhhhhh

predicted YES

@Gen It is not

predicted YES

@DesTiny you have 3 hrs

predicted YES

@firstuserhere when do you come back

predicted YES

@firstuserhere When I get home I'll have aprox 1 hour. Though that doesn't take into account my bus taking longer and me having to shower (or something else happens)

predicted YES

@DesTiny so 10-15X more time than cleaning the room requires. You can clean asap and i split my profits with you 50-50

predicted YES

@firstuserhere Does clean include vacuuming?

predicted YES

@DesTiny just tidy the place and it looks clean, that's all ig. It doesn't have to be a thorough scrubbing

predicted YES

@firstuserhere I mean there's a lot of stuff everywhere, I'd give it 50/50 odds I have time and don't get lazy

predicted YES
predicted YES

@DesTiny buy more YES in this market to incentivize

predicted YES

@firstuserhere I mean, obviously there is no possible way it's not clean. This market should be at 99%

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@firstuserhere though in all honestly the mana doesn't mean much to me. I like creating markets more than anything

predicted YES

@firstuserhere it is an incentive though

sold Ṁ19 of YES

@firstuserhere come on, it's time! Just do 1 min of cleaning, idc if it cleans the room, just do a single minute. You got this.

predicted NO

@firstuserhere if he cleans a minute, he'll have to do the whole room, and might not be able to finish, and that sounds exhausting. he should only start if he can do it perfectly


predicted NO

@Rodeo my recommendation: scroll twitter for a couple of minutes to reward yourself for getting this far. it will give you energy

predicted YES

@Rodeo eh it's ok. Just do 1 min, and feel proud that you took action. Idc if the room isn't clean, I'd gladly lose the mana but I'd love to see him take +ve action though, however small, even if 1 min only worth of cleaning

predicted NO

@firstuserhere yeah I'm just kidding - I agree with you. it would be nice to see some positive lifestyle stuff here even if i lose a few lousy mana

predicted YES
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