Who will spend more time speaking during the first Presidential Debate 6/27
resolved Jun 29
Donald Trump
Joe Biden

This market will resolve to the candidate who spends the most time speaking during the debate.

If CNN reports their estimate of the time each candidate spoke in an article posted in the 24 hours after the debate, I will use that. Otherwise, I will use my judgment to determine another reliable source of information about the answer to this question.

If I, in my sole discretion, cannot find a reliable source of information to answer this question, I will use a stopwatch to answer it using the following rules. The number of words spoken does not matter for this market, only the amount of time speaking. A candidate begins speaking when words captured by the candidate's own microphone can be heard over the CNN broadcast and ends speaking when another person can be heard speaking into another microphone (other candidate, moderator, other questioner) or the debate concludes for any reason. A candidate's words spoken out of turn (i.e. not picked up by their own microphone) will not increase the amount of time they are speaking, even if they can be heard.

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