Will there be an incident with hidden cameras in AirBNB after they have banned cameras? (updated: closes in May30th)
May 31

AirBNB is banning indoor cameras (https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/11/24097107/airbnb-indoor-security-camera-ban). Will any incident happen with a hidden camera, as reported by some relevant news source (CNN, Bloomberg, Fox and so on) until the end of April ? (Might resolve no N/A depending on where it was announced)

UPDATE: "To allow Hosts time to come into compliance with these updates, the revised policy takes effect on April 30". So I'll resolve by the end of MAY, giving a full month between the ban and the incident + news reporting it.

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bought Ṁ50 YES

I have 99.99% confidence there's at least one hidden camera in at least one active Airbnb worldwide. But maybe 75% on an incident becoming public soon.

bought Ṁ3 YES

How will this resolve if some scandalous camera incident occurred before the ban but becomes public after the ban? I.e. if a news story next week says "some creepy stuff happened with cameras in an airbnb last October"

@PeterF the incident must occur after the ban and become public until end of April...