Will anyone reach a sub-45 Any% Speedrun of Tears of the Kingdom by July 31, 2023?
resolved Jul 13

Resolves yes if any person achieves a successful Speedrun of Totk (any version) with a time that is less than 45:00 by July 31, 2023.

Only verified runs accepted by the speedrunning community (e.g. on a site like speedrun.com) will count.

In case the timing rules change between market creation and resolution, I will do my best to determine what the time of the current record would have been according to the rules at market creation time.

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bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

44:48 by Gymnast86 using the newly-discovered intro glitch to save 48.5s, as mentioned below by @Chizardium

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington Ahhhhh! I just saw that but you got to it before me… well, congrats to gymnast

Player5 said he doubts it with current strats, that being said I think it’s too far to call anything. However, 20 days is a lot in the speedrunning world

bought Ṁ60 of YES

a new skip was discovered in the intro that can save up to 50 seconds, so i’s say it’s getting very likley.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

I think it could be close. Sum of best segments for both Player 5 and Gymnast86 are still above 45m (though not by much). They both acknowledge there is fat yet to be trimmed, but they'll need to trim it and then execute nearly flawless runs where every segment is close to their best.

Edit: or employ new strats

bought Ṁ5 of NO

@chrisjbillington I've been wrong up to now, but the easy gains have to run out at some point.