Will Sweden beat the United States at the Women's World Cup?
resolved Aug 6

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bought Ṁ894 of YES

Seems like the German TV has a 5s delay 😩

predicted YES


Some of peoples bets were wildly irrational to me

bought Ṁ5,000 of YES

@parhizj That was intense! I wasn't following the other bets much, just trying to put all three markets at a reasonable probability as quickly as possible :D There are race conditions, slow updates (so you see an old probability and bet based on that), also a trade-off between speed and accurately typing amounts to get to the precise percentage...

predicted YES

@NamesAreHard Yeah I think that’s partly what happened to me. I typically have an amount typed in and only need to hit the bet button. That worked quite well during the male WC and because the probabilities didn’t update fast enough, I only noticed that I was lagging behind after checking the trades. Well, guess that was the league season for me then 😅

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

Show the replay

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@UniversalFC If you're here by any chance, could you please extend the closing time of the market as it will close before the match is over.

@UniversalFC Just to confirm, this is about the final outcome of the game, right? So if the regular time ends up draw and Sweden win in extra time or penalties, the market still resolves YES.

predicted NO

@NamesAreHard IMO how market should be resolved if draw during regular time.

predicted NO

@HenriThunberg IMO this should be resolving at the half time and we stop the count!!!

predicted NO

@NamesAreHard I apologize for my delayed response. Sometimes I wish I could just do this as my full-time job, but that is unfortunately not the case. 😞 You are correct, if the regular time ends up draw and Sweden win in extra time or penalties, the market still resolves YES.

predicted YES

@UniversalFC Thanks for the clarification! Also no need to apologize, there's no expectation here for immediate answers and getting a response within a day is awesome :)

You mean "United States" in the title

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