Will I do 10 pull ups set this year?
resolved Dec 31

Currently working out with weights for the purpose of managing fatigue. This means that unlike a normal gym person who lifts as much as they can and eats loads of protein, I do a more "regular" approach not hitting maximum weight and going through a 55% -> 85% percieved effort cycle every 4 weeks.

This means my focus is not on being able to do pull ups. However it might come out as a side effect.

At the moment I can probably do 70kg, 10 reps on the top end of the cycle. I have tried to do pull ups before but that extra 10-15kg means probably 5 or 6 is all I can do.

With the percieved effort, if I feel fatigued I go to the gym and do what feels like tha % which will be less weight than if I am not.

I do pull downs twice a week without fail at various weights depending on energy levels and the cycle.

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Ok, probably not going to happen. Just did my last gym this year and I did 7. Best I have done is 9. Will keep it open incase I end up doing some, but I have no plans to try now. Not betting so others can sell out their positions.

qwerty uiopboughtṀ35YES

@qwertyuiop thanks for the confidence!

Did 9 today. Next try in about 4 weeks. Going to try > bodyweight pull downs 2-3 reps in the meantime

(Only need one set to resolve YES)

Did 80kg * 10 today. Couldn't do that a second time though. I'll try the pull ups this weekend, but then I will probably not try again until the next top part of the cycle in ~ 4 weeks time.

Today I did 70kg * 10 pull downs. The last one was hard to do but not quite failure. I weigh 85kg probably with trainers on.

in my experience going from 5 to 10 isn't too hard with consistent attempts

How consistent have you been at working out? How long have you been at it? If you maintain the approach you're describing I think it is very likely.

@jcb since November 2022, twice a week. Missed 2 sessions due to holiday (but physical holiday), and 2 due to tiredness but that was before I changed to perceived effort.